Schüttflix & STRABAG: Driving forward digitalisation in road construction
STRABAG is building on digitalisation and data, two trends that will shape the future of the construction industry. On our way into this new future, we will draw upon our own resources while also tapping the agility and power of start-up enterprises to support us in this transition. In return, these young companies stand to benefit from our know-how and expertise. One of these start-ups is Schüttflix, the first digital logistics platform for bulk materials in Europe. Together with Schüttflix, we are digitalising order and delivery processes, permanently changing the entire industry along the way.
Schüttflix@STRABAG: digitalising procurement and logistics
Schüttflix is a digital logistics platform for bulk goods of all kinds that connects construction companies with manufacturers and transport providers. The ordering process and all commercial activities are handled digitally and directly via the Schüttflix platform, greatly improving and speeding up the procurement and logistics processes for all involved.
Two companies, one objective
- Establish an end-to-end digital procurement process
- Develop an inclusive and cooperative market solution
- Provide additional transparency in the market and boost efficiency
- Relieve the burden on operating staff through automation
- Ensure sufficient transport and material capacities
- Improve the carbon footprint through optimised itineraries
Corporate & start-up: odd couple or a match made in heaven?
The cooperation with selected agile start-ups is a key factor in the transformation process at STRABAG. On the one hand, there’s our intrapreneurship programme adASTRA, with which we draw on ideas from our own employees. On the other hand, we also seek out creative external partners that we support with our knowledge. Since the start of our cooperation with Schüttflix in 2020, we have been demonstrating how corporate enterprises and start-up companies can work together on a successful market solution. We contribute our operational know-how along the entire digitally mapped process, test it at an early stage and provide feedback so we can put theory to practice as quickly as possible.
The construction site is becoming even more digital. Now and in the future.
Now Schüttflix will not only supply you with the building materials you need but can also dispose of certain types of construction and demolition waste for you. The fully systemic disposal service can be ordered and processed using the Schüttflix app, with integration into other relevant systems such as, in Germany, the electronic waste verification procedure (elektronisches Abfallnachweisverfahren – eANV). This marks another important step towards fully digital processes on the construction site – with many more to follow. The company is also working on the trimodal optimisation of supply chains via road, rail and ship.