Renewable energies

Solar energy, ground heat or wind power – green energy has many faces. At a time in which sustainable energy sources are becoming more and more important, STRABAG is taking responsibility. After all, a functioning green infrastructure is essential to ensure future security of supply. In addition, renewable energies are almost unlimited. As a construction company, STRABAG realizes numerous projects and is pushing ahead with the expansion of renewable energies –for our customers and for our own use within the company.
What does the expansion of renewable energies look like?
The expansion of renewable energies involves construction projects of very different sizes. STRABAG builds both for itself and for others.
In Austria, we built one of the largest photovoltaic parks in Austria for power generation on a steep slope completely from a single source. This included the preparation of the site, the construction of a custom-made steel structure and the installation and cabling of all 26,488 PV modules.
There are also many other solar projects, such as in Switzerland, where STRABAG is involved in the construction of a high-alpine PV park. In Sweden, we have been commissioned to implement one of the largest heat pumps and are thus expanding the district heating network in Gothenburg. In Cologne, STRABAG is involved in the construction of the largest river water heat pump in Europe. Here, we are building the water intake structure, including elaborate fish protection facilities.

It is not only energy generation that is crucial for expansion, but also the provision of green infrastructure: in Germany, the expansion of electricity grids to transport wind power from the north of the country to the south is gathering pace. STRABAG has won the contract for a 70-kilometre section of these power lines and will use its energy expertise to build the lines.
How is STRABAG using the expansion of renewable energies for itself?
3.477,822 megawatt hours - that's how much energy STRABAG consumed in 2023. A lot of energy that goes hand in hand with high CO2e emissions. In order to achieve our goal - climate neutrality by 2040 - it is essential that we move away from fossil fuels.
As part of our 2030 strategy, we want to use the expansion of renewable energies and the company's energy expertise to our own advantage. Within the company, an initiative is focusing on the construction and utilization of the Group's own PV systems, which we are installing on office roofs and open grounds. We can use the solar power we generate for ourselves and thus become less dependent on energy suppliers – at our locations and on our construction sites.
STRABAG has been operating near-surface, medium-depth and deep geothermal energy up to 4,200 meters for many years. Generating energy from geothermal energy is a central component of Strategy 2030. The geothermal power plant operated by Silenos Energy, a subsidiary of STRABAG, in Garching an der Alz in Bavaria, is the first in the company's history. STRABAG Umwelttechnik GmbH designed, planned and implemented the above-ground plant construction.
As a construction company, we have had growing energy competence for many years. This means that STRABAG can continue to drive forward the expansion of renewable energies for contractors and for the company and help build a new green infrastructure.
Fossil fuels generate a lot of CO2e emissions. It is important to recognize potential savings here: For STRABAG, this also means switching construction machinery from diesel to alternative drives.