adASTRA Intrapreneurship Programme at STRABAG

STRABAG has set itself the goal of actively shaping the future of the construction industry in a sustainable and innovative way. Part of this transformation is the adASTRA intrapreneurship programme to promote the entrepreneurial mindset among our employees by responding to industrial challenges with new business ideas. With creative and courageous ideas, STRABAG is working on progress.

adASTRA: How do we live and breathe the startup mentality at STRABAG?
The teams taking part in the adASTRA intrapreneurship programme act as if they were founding a startup company. Throughout the various project phases, the participants validate hypotheses, develop business models and analyse the financial attractiveness of their ideas – just like entrepreneurs do when they try to enter the market with a new idea.
Intrapreneurship programme: just a few steps away from a startup
Participants go from application to MVP (minimum viable product) in only a few months. Employees and their ideas are taken through a five-phase process to create a corporate startup.

It all starts with the corporate-wide activation phase, which lays the methodological foundations for a successful submission and the programme itself. Following an exploration and validation phase, the intrapreneurship teams advance to the so-called Demo Day where a panel of judges decides on the financing for the pilot projects (MVP). In the subsequent incubation and acceleration phases, the business models are put through their paces as the intrapreneurs work with their first customers under real market conditions. If they satisfy the market requirements, the corporate startups are continued as a spin-in within STRABAG or spun off for the external market.
STRABAG: employee development through innovative spirit
The intrapreneurship programme forms the framework for active innovation and agile working in our company. adASTRA contributes to the development of our employees and opens up new spaces for their creative development. They also benefit from various insights on the methods and tools of agile, creative working that support them in their everyday work. The aim of adASTRA is to promote our employees’ business ideas while tackling the challenges of the future in an entrepreneurial way: together in the STRABAG team.